Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dreams Are So Perfect!

I dream a lot. I guess , that's my way of escaping from reality. It helps me forget my problems in life . Dreams are so perfect rather than reality because I have the ability to create my own world and rule my "imaginary" life . I am not good at expressing myself in real life but I can be a much "better" person in my dreams . I always dream of going back to my beautiful past and wishes that I could turn back the time. I can't shut off my thinking machine , wish I could at times. Mainly when I lay down to sleep at night , so many thoughts rushing through my head. But I've always been a dreamer , and I try hard to make my dreams come true. Maybe thats where all the thinking comes in .
Photography Pictures, Images and Photos


chocolateeee Pictures, Images and Photos

I crave chocolate sometimes to be honest. But I don't like chocolate with fruits at all ! I'm sure chocolate is the answer to everything. I always feel better after eating it anyway . Not only does chocolate taste good, but the magnesium and antioxidant powers of dark chocolate increase the supply of oxygen to the brain , thus boosting brain power and reducing the risk of heart disease!